Two official clinics will be held in Banff this on Saturday, September 7th from 8am to 5pm.

Banff All Levels Youth Clinic
Officiating Experience: 0-2 years
Who: Level 1 Officials (Ages 13, 14, 15) / Level 2 Officials (Ages 16, 17, 18)
Divisions Officiated: Novice, Atom, Peewee
Signup | Info

Banff All Levels Adult Clinic
Officiating Experience: All Levels
Who: Officials 19+ Years of Age (Level 2, 3, 4, 4L or 5, 6)
Divisions Officiated: All levels
Signup | Info

If you are a brand new official, before you can register for this clinic, you must first complete the HU – Officiating 1/2 online courseRegistration ends August 28, 2019. For additional info please contact Matt Simmonds at 403-678-7759